Topics the Church Should Care About: Creation Care

God created the earth as good and assigned his human creations the job of “tending the garden.” As with everything else, mankind botched that task, and as a result nature is corrupted. But as followers of Jesus, we are called to witness by returning to our original calling: using the earth’s resources wisely and generously for good, and restoring the broken world to beauty where we can, in practical ways.

  • Scriptures Used: Genesis 1:24-31, 2:15-22; Luke 12:22-34

Meaningful discussion points:

  1. What is one creation care practice you can start (or restart) this week? 2. What is a natural setting in your local area that causes you to be in awe at God’s creative beauty and to worship him? Plan some time to get away to this spot and spend some time in prayer.

Topics the Church Should Care About: Creation Care
Rev. Chris Andrews